Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quick Post

Every time that I get a quick break, I can't believe how much time passes between posts on this blog. Of course, there aren't a lot of people that read it or anything, but I've been trying to not half-do things recently. So. Even though I have to leave for my second shift at Newk's today in thirty minutes, I'm going to make a quick update.

I got my LSAT back and I'm...satisfied. I guess. I wasn't surprised, because it's what I was getting on my practice tests, but I had been hoping that test day adrenaline would have tacked on an extra point or two. It's a little bit disheartening, I think because I had been wanting to hit the 90th percentile so badly, but only got to the 86th. It's not bad--I'm not saying that at all. But any one who knows me knows that I always feel like I could have done better. And so now I'm looking at some of these schools that I wanted to go to, and I feel like I'm wasting my time even reading their names (Georgetown, in particular). Even UT Austin, where I sent my application this morning, is technically out of my reach. I'm hoping that my personal statement and letters from Dr. Gispen and Dr. Allen make a difference.

Luckily, I have great friends and family who have been extremely encouraging and supportive of me, and I know that once I get into school, I'll give it my all and get the results that I want.

On the upside, work has been really great lately. I'm using Westlaw for a project for one of the attorney's and it's basically reading a bunch of justice opinions to find case decisions that have been reversed because of something that the prosecution did wrong. I'm loving some of these sassy opinions (which is where the justice breaks down the Court's reasoning for reversing or affirming a lower court's decision) and it's been making my days bearable. I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for a huge project that I've been working on since I started, and I can't wait for it to be over. I'm kind of terrified of turning it in and the people saying "uhhhh there was NO need for all of this work..." But whatever; it's been a good experience in researching legislation and seeing all of the hurdles involved in state assemblies.

Newk's has finally gotten new front-of-house employees, so once they get trained and off on their own, work should be much less stressful--"should" being the key word there. Today's lunch rush wasn't too bad, really, but I've been so run down lately that anything that doesn't make me feel like passing out right there has been great. I've finally gotten off of my angst about Newk's and I'm really enjoying working there in its own way. It's nice to interact with all of those personalities and age groups on a regular basis and still be able to function as a team. It's weird to say that Newk's is basically my social life for right now, but it's true.

This whole shtick of having two jobs (one of which is unpaid) and law school applications is really starting to take its toll on me, and I could definitely feel it last week when I was super sick with the cold front coming through. Once all of my sinus congestion drained down into my throat, it was game over. I had to call out of Newk's on Saturday night because I sounded like an 80-year-old ex-sailor dying of throat cancer. I got completely caught up on Battlestar Galactica, though, and found myself in complete awe as I thought through all of the phenomenal themes and subjects that structured the four seasons. I think I'll do a nerd post later on about it and some other things that I'm in to these days.

It's funny how I thought that this year would be a year of rest and recharging before law school--everybody laugh with me now. If I don't feel like a chicken running around without a head, I'm thinking ahead to all of the things that I have to do in a few hours/days. Like today: I was up at 7, finishing my application, then sent it out, and I'm working a double shift (11 to 3, 5 to 10) at Newk's. I'm probably working 50 hours a week, combined, and having to do applications on top of that?? No wonder my alarm goes off in the morning and I feel like throwing it across the room.

But, on the upside, all of the grunt work for my resume and personal statement is done, so now I just have to tweak it and send it off to the different schools! Everybody shake and sob in relief with me! Hopefully I can start REALLY recharging and have some time to, I don't know, take a walk in the morning or evening with my dog every now and then. Finish my scarf that I've been working on for forever (that I really want to finish! Time, stop for me!). Do a few lunges and push ups and get back to the ripped legs and arms I had not even two months ago. These things would be fantastic!

Back to werk now, y'all.


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