I had a dream last night that I gave birth to a ginger baby. Like, the hair color, not a candy man baby. The memory hit me like a freight train at about 1:00 PM this afternoon while working. So. Random. I was super excited about it in my dream, too. Not like an "awww a baby boy with beautiful auburn hair!" excited, but like an "OMG I have a ginger baby. This is high-lair-ee-ous." type of excited. Also in my dream, I had this baby at home and then went to the hospital and had an argument with the nurse. It went like this:
Me: I just had a baby.
Nurse: You're having a baby now??
Me: No, I already had it. *waves baby around* See?
Nurse: But you can't have a baby outside the hospital!
Me: Well. I did.
Needless to say, I was snickering at work while remembering this, but outwardly trying to look serious and contemplative while I searched the archives of Delaware's state legislature website.
I work in the a place called "workspace." This is what the placard near the door opening says. It's also a quasi storage room with printers, copiers, and hole punchers. People meander in and out, but I'm always way too awkward to say something. My mom and stepfather gave me a pep talk about it today, saying that I need to at least smile and nod at people when they come in, or else I come off as stand-offish. I wish I could just type a sign that says, "Hi, I'm just socially awkward and inept at small talk, not actually frigid and pretentious" and tape it to my back. That might make it easier (probably not).
But this morning I frantically threw this into the crock pot, and when I got home it smelled deeeeeelicious.

I normally spoon it over couscous, but the only type that we have in the pantry is "Wild Herb and Mushroom" flavor. No thanks, boo. So, since I was too lazy to make rice or orzo or something, I just put it into a bowl by itself. Yep, still delicious. I ate it outside with the parentals, and even got a visit from the queen herself, Skittles.

The moroccan chicken dinner definitely made up for the Healthy Choice Steamer that I had for lunch. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't spectacular. It was kind of spicy too, and nothing is more annoying than having a runny nose and hoping that people won't walk in and catch you clearing out your sinuses. Note to self: no ethnic food at work until I've met everyone.
I started reading Love in the Time of Cholera during my break, too. Thanks, Faison, for lending your copy to me!! It's pretty good so far, but I'm only like, ten pages in. As is the case with most great lit, the opening scenes don't actually deal with the main characters, so I was really confused until I wikied it. Yeah, I'll admit that I've been on a YA kick lately, so the elevated prose threw me for a bit. But now I'm back in the saddle! Y'all are going to hate me when I start quoting poetry. I already subjected Faison to a reading of one of my favorite poems, "Ulysses," by Wordsworth. #bougie, duh.
I was going to paint my nails tonight, buuuut I got too lazy to do it, and too afraid that I would mess them up. Meh.
np: "Georgia on my Mind," Alicia Keys + Jamie Foxx; "All You Wanted," Sounds Underneath; "Bloodstream," Stateless.
tea: Sleepytime by Celestial Seasons with cardamom pods. I work a double shift tomorrow at Newk's (8:00 to 4:00; 5:00 to 10:00) so I need to make sure that I sleep!
Bye, y'all!

loved this post...
1) SKITTLES. need i say more?
2) I love LITTOC! such a great and beautiful novel. we must discuss!!
3) sleepytime tea is the bomb.com. duh.