I've been a busy little bee these days! Going to Virginia and visiting the University of Virginia Law campus has certainly given me the kick in the butt that I've needed. As I mentioned, my mom and I found an apartment and now I have a MASSIVE to-do list to complete before my move in August--mostly crafty things, of course!
Another reason I'm tanning is because I got a bee-ay-youtiful farmer's tan while doing gardening this past week that has to be evened out before I shrug on my strapless bridesmaid dress in May. Mom, Sid, and I have undertaken a sizable container garden in the back and it's coming along nicely:
In each of the window boxes, we have two strawberry plants and spinach seeds. The strawberries are coming along nicely, but the spinach will probably still be in hiding for another week or so. Herb-wise, we have sweet basil, rosemary, fernleaf dill (for my salmon, yummmmmmmmmmmm), and sweet mint--perfect for a tall glass of sweet tea. We also have a variety of tomato and pepper plants, some of which have carrot and mustard green seeds around them. The carrots are still hiding, too, but the mustard greens have put off their baby leaves already!
Right now, I'm most excited about the mint and the strawberries, mostly because they're the ones producing. Even though I've planted the mustard greens, I don't know what they're actually going to taste like-same with the spinach, since it's not a "baby spinach" variety, which is what I'm used to eating. Still, I chose two leafy greens because I know that they are the type of food that I most need to incorporate into my diet. Apparently they're supposed to be more of a cold-weather plant, but....whatever. My mindset at this point is that I paid less than $3.00 for the spinach, carrot, and mustard greens seeds, so even if we only get a few meals out of them, we've still saved money. (Have you seen what fresh produce runs these days???? $4.00 for a pack of baby spinach!) I haven't even planted half of the packs, so I can take the seeds with me to Charlottesville and plant them on my balcony in the autumn. Win win situation, I'd say!
I will be starting some crafty projects next, so those posts will be pic heavy, too! I hope you all have a great week!!!!